Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Brittanie J 10 2010

Source 1:
Jim Frey, Resource Recycling Systems,
http://www.recycle.com/about.us/ ,
1986-2010, October 11,2010

Source 2:
Global Warming:Early warning Sights
1999, October 11,2010

Source 3:
Cathy Ives, Green Eco Services
2009-2010, October 11,2010

Source 4:
Coral Reefs,
October, 11,2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Brittanie J 9 2010

How To Property Cite Internet Resources
~Author.Title of website.Web address or URL.Copyright date.Date you found the information

InfoPlease.com:Facts about Global Warming
http://globalwarming.sdsu.edu Found October 7,2010

mexonline.com: The information on Mexican Independence day
http://www.mexonline.com/mexican-independence.htm Found on October 7,2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Brittanie J 8 2010

Coral reef

A coral reef is a living thing also an animal. Coral reefs can be found in many different oceans, such as Fiji and other oceans around the world. The coral reefs are in danger in many ways. Some things that are harming the coral reefs are ocean warming, people are over fishing, and salutations. When the coal reefs were being cut down the rivers that was surrounding the forest, turned all muddy. Also the coral reefs are drying out and turning white, therefore they will not be beneficial anymore. To prevent the destruction of the coral reefs, we could stop over fishing the oceans. The coral reefs are beneficial to the Earth because the feed the humans and the oceans creatures and they protect all tropical coasts.

The coral reefs need all fish so that they will not die from starvation. The reef is home to many fishes and other creatures. In the ocean, there is a lot if partnership with the creatures. They produce limestone and they were built by tiny creatures.Algae is also important to coral reefs. There are a lot of undiscovered creatures in the ocean that have not yet been discovered.

I thought of some ideas about telling everyone about this situation. We could make posters,videos(put them on a website),and we could travel around and make speeches.Also we could come up with a group to make a change..!!